Vision & Mission


The vision of Nabadwip Vidyasagar College has always been to realize and inculcate the values preached by Vidyasagar who had a vision for a perfect synthesis of Western and Indian education to achieve a truly liberal and modern Indian society. The very location of the college symbolizes the social, religious reformation towards secularism initiated by Sri Chaityanya Mahaprabhu centuries ago and reminds the efforts made by Vidyasagar for social, educational reforms.


The College has pursued specific academic, social, national, intellectual, ecological mission designed within its Curriculum paradigm.

i) Academic Mission: Effective implementation of the Curriculum prescribed by the affiliating University. · To keep teachers updated about the Latest Curriculum. · To maintain a congenial and cordial relationship among Students and Teachers for better implementation of the missions of the institution. · To prioritize the academic aspect. · To continually enhance the efficiency of the faculty. · To maintain well equipped Library and E –Resource. · To offer flexibility in curriculum for the students.

ii) Intellectual Mission: To stimulate the intellectual growth of the students. · To provide constant access to intellectual refreshments through workshops, Seminars. · To provide uninterrupted access to library books and reading room facilities. · To publish annual Journals and other Periodicals

iii) Social Mission: · To create social awareness among students through NSS. · To encourage students to work with NSS. · To reach out to the neighbouring community on Occasions like Vidyasagar Birth and Death Anniversary and the internationally famous festival of Nabadwip – the Rasotsav. · To instill a sense of discipline and selfless service for community through our NSS and NCC units.

iv) National Mission: To involve the students with our NCC and NSS units motivation for building Nation and National identity. · To instill and promote National Integration through the participation of large number of students on various occasion.

 v) Ecological Mission: · To thoroughly implement the curriculum on Envs. through an efficient faculty. · To sensitize the environmental issues. · To maintain an environment friendly campus.